Open Access Solar Power Plant Transco Model

Open access Solar Power Plant reduces electricity bills, when you have high demand of electricity.

Open access model useful for Commercial and Industrial Consumers, when they have High Demand of Electricity or they have no space for Solar or other power generation system. Open access system is a good solution for this type of Consumers. Their Consumer pays for the electricity supplied to it’s directly from the generator under a long term PPA (Power Purchase Agreement). If Consumer wants to establish own Solar Power Plant but they have no space on Consumption area, then Open access is a solution by using Bi-lateral Agreement PPA. Consumer purchase or take lease land for Stabilized Solar Power Plant and start feeding in State grid and by state grid we will receive Power in Consumption Area.

The electricity Act, 2013 allows power consumers having the connected load of over 1 MW to buy power from sources other than the state distribution users under long-term PPAs Under third party, group captive or captive open access models as per prevailing state regulations.

We are having experience in established open access plant. We have system and team for open access PV Plant EPC & Development, start to end use.